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Directing Workshop (4 Sessions)

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‍This workshop is sponsored by a Kenneth Reams Arts for Justice Grant. Embark on your journey into the world of directing with our beginner-friendly workshop, where we prioritize both the art of directing and mental well-being. Tailored for aspiring directors 16 and up, our program integrates discussions on mental health alongside essential directing skills. Learn the fundamental principles and techniques necessary for stepping into the director's chair while also gaining insights into maintaining your mental well-being in a demanding industry. From understanding script analysis to honing your communication skills with actors, we'll cover everything you need to know to bring your directorial vision to life while prioritizing self-care and resilience. Engage in hands-on exercises, receive personalized guidance, and collaborate with fellow participants to gain practical experience in the art of directing. Whether you're a novice or have some experience, this workshop is your opportunity to ignite your passion for storytelling, develop essential skills, and nurture your mental health along the way. Join us and unlock your creative potential today!